Top 5 New Years Resolutions for you…and your cat

Its never too late for New Years Resolutions - right?


CAT: I will continue to wake the human at quarter past stupid every morning by yowling for food

YOU: I will not overfeed my cat.  I will also make sure they drink more water. 

Maybe by moving your cats water bowl (did you know cats don’t like drinking water next to their food source, so try moving their bowl to a diff room or a corner etc away from their main  feeding station).  Maybe you can try a bigger bowl?  Cats donw necessarility like their whiskers to touch the sides of feeding or water bowls, so ensure the water is filled to the top and the bowl is big enough. Maybe invest in a water fountain – does your cat like to drink from the tap?  Enjoy running water?  Then a cat fountain would be purrfect!


CAT: I will spend more time keeping a watchful eye on those pesky birds outside the kitchen window

YOU: I will encourage more birds to the garden with a birdtable/bird feed/friendly plants with edible berries etc. PLUS I will ensure the cat has a safe, comfy spot to birdwatch and chat with the birds though the windows – clearing the window ledge, investing in a window hammock, or maybe even buying/making a cat tree so they can survey their area from up high


CAT: I will make sure I take catnaps in awkward places such as keybords of laptops, the hot seat the human has just vacated and the middle of the floor just infront of the door so it cant be opened

YOU: I will invest in at least one more cat bed/chair/blanket/radiator sling/window hammock or other cat bed type area so my cat has a few designated sleeping spots they enjoy and feel safe and cosy in (even if one of those sits on my desk next to the laptop)


CAT: I will take more exerice, the most approriatie time of day for this is posssibly 3am when everyone else is sleeping

YOU: (outdoor cat) I will make sure my cat enjoys outdoor playtime and has full access in/out via their catflap OR I let them out everyday to play in the garden for a little longer (indoor cat) I will invest more time to play with my cat – enriching toys such as fishing rods and catnip mice to chase around should help them run, jump, and use natural instincts to chase and wear them out so not so many 3am wake up calls from their midnight sprinting sessions


CAT: I might start peeing on the sofa again, its really was so convenient and comfy

YOU: I will make sure the cat litter tray is always claen, fresh and full.  PLUS its in the right palce for my cat to use without interruption.  Cats enjouy a clean environment for pooping and if you find your cats behaviour changes in this area (after ruling out ay medical conditions) its worth keeping the area clean, testing other areas for their tray, ensuring the tray is large enough for the kitty and perhaps even trying a different type of litter (pellets, sand etc)


Nita is the owner and founder of Love Cats Croydon - and your local, loving, professional Cat Sitter

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